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The Mane Campaign

At  Cannes, the lion represents creativity, excellence, global appeal and NOW both gender equality, as well as inequality.  Along with The Female Quotient we were able to tell a deeper story of why women are still not equally represented on the biggest advertising stage in the world.

Our contribution visually illustrates how women are still overshadowed by men, even in an industry that would tell you otherwise. On the surface, women are gaining in numbers in the advertising world, but neither in leadership positions nor creative roles, which is why they are still are not equally represented when it comes to award consideration.

Using the ultimate Cannes symbol as a pie chart, that aptly symbolizes both genders, was the perfect way to show where we’ve made improvements and where there’s still work to be done.

Thanks to all the powerful and amazing women at FQ for what’s going to be an amazing year at Cannes for human rights. 



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